Sarah Stone (U.K., 1994) is a photographer and artist based in Antwerp, Belgium.

She received her Master’s degree in photography at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp in 2022, winning the Photography Department prize.

Her photographs have been published in .Tiff Magazine, Der Greif and Subbacultcha/Different Class and self-published books such as: 'La Vie De Camille' (2023), ‘ANNA’ (2022) and ‘The End of The Pipeline’ (2021). Her project '76 collages' was published by SO-RI published in 2021. In 2023 her image 'Whistle' from the project 'ANNA' was selected for OnBaords Biennale, an exhibition of art displayed on billboards throughout Antwerp. Her collage 'West Virginia Interior' was published in Karoo magazine in 2024.

She has exhibited her work as part of the outside art trail "Out of Office" with BRREDBEELD in Gooik, Belgium and with the FOMU (Photography Museum Antwerp) as part of .Tiff 2023. Her collages were exhibited with Stieglitz19 Gallery in the group show ‘Collage! Collage! Collage!’ with Vincent Delbrouck and Miriam Tolke (2021) as well as a pop-up in 2020.

based in ANTWERP, Belgium

+32 490 35 82 13 /

°1994, Bath, United Kingdom



2021-2022 - MFA Photography – Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (supervision:  Geert Goiris and Inge Henneman

jury: Max Pinckers, Mashid Mohadjerin & Andrea Coppetti)

2012-2017 - BFA Fashion and  Design – Amsterdam Fashion Institute


2024 - present - PA Bruno Devos - HOPPER&FUCHS

2023 - 2024  - PA Bruno Devos - Stockmans Art Books - Duffel - Belgium

2020 - 2023 - assistant  Stieglitz19 Gallery - Antwerp - Belgium

2022 - 2023 - internship - exhibitions and magazine  - FOMU - Antwerp - Belgium

2020 - 2021 - internship - in-house photographer -  Graanmarkt13 - Antwerp - Belgium

2019 - 2020 - internship – Ibasho Gallery - Antwerp - Belgium


2024 - group - "Out of Office" - BREEDBEELD - Pajottenland, Gooik - Belgium -

2023 - group: Onboards Biennale 2023 —

2023- group: .Tiff 2023 - FOMU— tiff-2023-emerging-belgian-photography

2022 - group: ‘Foreign Affairs’ with MFA, hosted by FOMU (photo museum Antwerp)

2021 - group: ‘Collage! Collage! Collage!’ with Vincent Delbrouck and Miriam Tolke, Stieglitz19, Antwerp -

2021 - group: ‘Time Will Tell’ - BFA Photography, Plein Publiek, Antwerp

2020 -pop-up: ‘Reconstructing the View` Stieglitz19, Antwerp

2019 - joint: ‘Colour Exists` with Moona Saul, De Bouwput, Amsterdam

Publications Physical:

2024 - Karoo - Dé/nicher, pg.125, West Virginia Interior collage

2023 - .Tiff Magazine #11 —

2023 - La Vie de Camille, self-published —

2023 - Different Class, ZAIKA, 'The First Bell' March/April 2023 editorial cover story —

2022 - Subbacultcha, Vieze Meisje, 'The Aftermath' Nov/Dec editorial cover story —

2022 - Der Greif, ‘The Collectivity Issue’ (issue 15) -

2022 - ‘ANNA’, self-published —

2021 - ‘The End of The Pipeline’, published by D.A.D — 

2021 - ‘76 Collages’, published by SO-RI —

Publications Online:

2023 - Different Class, A Universe Around Landscape, Clouds, Waves, online editorial —

2022 - Der Greif, Artist Feature —

2022 - Subbacultcha, Museum in Motion with Valentine Tinchant, online editorial —

2022 - Subbacultcha, Museum in Motion with Amber Andrews, online editorial —


2022 - Roger de Conynck Grant 

2022 - Prize of the department of Photography Academic Year 2021-2022, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp

2022 - Special Mention, Blurring the Lines —

All images © Sarah Stone 


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