A decade is nearing since I departed the United Kingdom, and in those ten years, I have barely reconciled with it. What I left behind was a dispersed and fragmented family, sheltered in a picturesque landscape. However, years went by, and I found myself dwelling in a field of romanticism. When I returned briefly one sweltering summer, I rolled out a series of photographs within a flash. I was struck by all that was bathed in the almighty sunshine or under the white moonlight. I was a tourist in my own home.

Through the act of photographing, I began to reconnect, not only with the landscape, the language, and the architecture, but most importantly, with my mother, who became my English muse.

In an attempt to reconcile with what has been lost to the vanished days, ‘ANNA’ is a woven tapestry that softly and sensitively traces over her past. The camera becomes the thread to embroider with, stitching together moments spent in the company of the woman who raised me amid the wild English countryside.

The following photographs were taken between 2020 and 2022 in Somerset and Mid-Wales.

“I have had two revelations to do with the noise created by my brother’s mug going down on the wooden table next to his bed repetitively when he is anxious. I bought a cork table mat and cut it to size. I put it under the mug, and now I don't hear it banging down on the table. I have forgotten what the other one was now; it was something quite simple. I should have written it down. If it comes back to me, I will let you know. I have yoga tonight. It is supposed to be an hour, but she always gives an extra quarter of an hour of her time.”

“I think it's about to rain so thankful I went for a walk while the sun shone. The cat came in when I came home and is now cosy in hiding place in the wardrobe. After seeing you off I went back to the hotel and had another cup of tea and a pot of overnight oats, which I bought from Le Pain Quotidien (where you purchased your coffee). I also bought some amaretti biscuits because they looked so good. I was not disappointed. I had two with my coffee at Paddington station. WHSmith was open so had a look at the books and bought a newspaper for the journey. Archbishop Tutu died on Sunday. I read a very interesting article about him. Also read about a Dutch potter: Rose Schmits from Delft who moved to England and now works on the TV program ‘The Great British Throw Down’ as a technician. She says art is a way of exploring ideas and the world around you.... Definitely what Lubaina Himid has done. I enjoyed viewing her work at the Tate Modern.

I added the following to my New Year’s (or sooner) list: clean the windows; write some letters; delete photos and stuff off my phone; get your portrait and the greyhound sketch framed; lots to keep me busy.

Lots of love, mum”

“On Sunday I talked myself out of doing Pilates and watched some of ‘Sunday Brunch’ on Channel 4 before going to church. In the afternoon, I went to see if any help was needed to set up the event in the village hall. The party was the culmination of two weeks of fundraising in Paulton to show our solidarity with Ukraine. The target of £10,000 (two pounds per person living here) was surpassed and sent to the Disaster Emergency Fund to help the people of Ukraine. Over the weekend, I finished the book I was reading, ‘My Mess Is a Bit of a Life: Adventures in Anxiety’

I agree with Amanda Harts’ review: “Funny, moving, insightful, vulnerable”. You may be wondering how the lamb shank turned out. It didn’t. I had boiled eggs instead. I needed to marinate the meat for five hours and stir hourly during this time, which is what is happening today as I write this.”

“Saturday started with an eight o’clock morning session in the gym, followed by a trip to Midsomer Norton to buy a lamb shank from the butcher for Sunday dinner. I also needed to replace the unripe bananas that came with my coconut, pineapple and banana cake kit. Which I had planned to make that afternoon. The pineapple was also green, but I used it anyway. I had washed 2 anoraks that morning, so they dried nicely on the line in the wind and sun. After bringing in the washing, I gave the lawn its first cut of the year and tidied the garden. The result was satisfying. I made the cake. The mixture actually filled two cake tins, so I ate one for dinner while it was still warm (greedy, I know!) and shared the other one with my brother.”

“I have had a lovely day. I saw the film ‘Belfast’ while I was in Bath. It is a good film, and the music by Van Morrison enhances it. The weather was fine enough to dry the washing, which made my day. I have signed up for a course of yoga for six weeks, the first of which was last evening. Thankfully, it was the right level for me i.e., beginners. Looking forward to not cooking tea this evening, we are having fish and chips.

Love from Mum xx”

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